Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Your Follow-Along-at-Home Hunting Guide

Grab a pencil and follow along. The wish list is as follows:

Bill - Gemsbok, Serval, Bushbuck, Nyala, Waterbuck

Erik - Kudu, Impala, Gemsbok

Lyle - Impala, Serval, Blesbuck, Bushbuck

Mike - Kudu, Gemsbok, Porcupine

Steve - Impala, Blesbuck, Bushbuck


knwknw said...

What about the Zebra!

Anonymous said...

We need some updates, Bill. Has anyone spotted any volatile porcupines yet?

Anonymous said...

Julie here - Lyle just called to report that they're having a marvelous time, but have no internet access. (cell phone coverage, yes, internet, no). So far he's gotten a Gemsbuck and a 60-inch kudu. (you're right - that wasn't on his list, but apparently it was an opportunity he couldn't pass up. ) I'm sensing a future 'opportunity' to rearrange our furniture!
Best to all, Julie

knwknw said...

Neither of them were on his list! Must be the current migration is the reason. We here at eFunds were wondering what the bumbs were up to. I've travelled to 3rd World countries and it always amazed me that I could buy and use a cell phone anywhere, but I had a hard time finding strong electric outlets for even a blow dryer. Thankfully you can talk to them. But sooo disappointing we don't get regular updates-it was suppose to be our entertainment for the day! I am sure Steve will have us rollin with laughter when he gets back. Glad to hear they are safe and having fun! KNW

Anonymous said...

Andrea here - I told Bill we needed some blog updates but he said there's only one guy at the camp that had a laptop and he wasn't there as of the last time I talked to him. Last time he was there he wasn't able to call for a week until they found someone with a satelitte phone. It's amazing that two of their cell phones work this time. I'm sure there will be plenty of pictures and blog updates soon.

Anonymous said...

It makes sense that Lyle is the only one who has shot anything. None of those other yahoos know how to handle a gun. Way to go captain.

Anonymous said...

Lyle's not alone (unfortunately for those of us who have to find places for the carcasses in our homes). Bill got his Nyala and Waterbuck last week. I'll get an update on everyone else's take if/when I talk to him next and be sure to update. - AST

Anonymous said...

Andrea, move that crib out of the babie's room to make space for the Nyala. Oh yeah, you might need to start parking your car in the street so Bill can display the Waterbuck in the garage.